Thursday, August 29, 2013

Organizing a Educational space in a small space

        Living in a small Space requires Organizations, zero clutter policy, and getting rid of something the second its no longer serves a purpose. Even I have a hard time doing this. I'm a sentimental Hoarder at worst. I often have to repeat these are just things and being the black hole I am I can get more things. I personally think being a budget Shopper helps when I shop second hand and something only cost 99 cents I for some reason have no problem parting with it later on its like well for a dollar it served its purpose, gave me a giggle, and I'm ready to move on. Now things I truly Spent $$$ hard earned money on I have a very hard time getting rid of I have an amazing leather coat I Purchased in high school it's still in my closet.

     However having eliminated my clutter to a point I really not sure if I own anything (mom problems) my house is being consumed by a special little person in my life. This gives me some inner turmoil on the one hand I feel as though she takes top priority she is at this moment as a SAHM my life's work. I want her to have the absolute Best!! ON the other hand do you really want to be that mom who had nothing to talk about except her kid ?? her new skills, her new words, he toileting habit!!! I have become that mom ( face - palm) If you have ever spent your day with a Toddler you will realize, its hard not to fall into this SAHM Trap.

    Though I really wish I could find away to work to create a Play room/ living room that functions better is it the size, Do I want to much. How do I create something adorable and fun. that stays neat and tidy I don't care that it looks like toys r us exploded just for it to be Clean

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