Monday, February 24, 2014

Little Girl Bedroom Redo 18 month old Painting a striped chair rail

Hi everyone,

I wanted to share my Pinterest Inspired toddler room!! As I think its cool to share your ideas how they came together if it really worked.. I'm a moderate to heavy crafter, though I have had pinstrosity in my past. This is my daughters new room we just moved in Febuary 2nd Soo I wanted to get her room set up as you can see we have left her bed in its crib state I will update my Blog as to when we do a transition to a toddler or full size bed, but I thought the move was enough change without taking away the comfort of her crib. I also not sure if I'm ready for her to have free reign around the room.. Close but not there. So without further a do I'll share My tons of pictures.      

                                            Painting A Striped Chair Rail 

Here you can see where I taped off for the pink areas I was level with the door knob super scientific

 Now your getting a lovely view around the room

 This is towards the closet door
These Stripes are 7 inches apart if you want to do smaller or larger I was happy with 7 inches I put a piece of blue tape in the center of the stripes that would remain pink and I also played with the idea of a 3rd stripe in the middle of the pink stripe like a red but changed my mind ...If your wondering I used 2 rolls of Blue tape on this room

If I remeber the name of the pain this is Bubble Gum and Artichoke heart at Lowes home improvement 

So here is me going down the like I had a 4 inch roller soo that is why there is that weird square shape around the light switch I should have just taken the plate off ..

It was kinda awesome to finish one wall I think that is what kept me going

                                                Keep going around the room and Check it out

Then I added a white chair rail How cute 

I also would have only needed a quart of pink as per the norm I over bought in paint :/ every time 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Update on my to do list (past reflections)

start prenatal vitamins
Train the dog to understand that the down stairs will be his and the upstairs will be babies. 
Loose some more weight
Go to Disney World (not that I can't do that with a baby but I wouldn't want to track around an amusment park with a small child) 
I want to learn to sew (better) my last class was for real like Home ec in high school
I would love to sew a quilt for my baby wouldn't that be Darling 

Take some dance classes with HUBBY

Buy a sewing machine or fix the one I had
paint more pieces

Okay so I did start prenatal vitamins and then I was on extra B-12 and folic acid but then I feel bad now I didn't take Omega-3 which I now take Vitamin D , Omega 3 and just left over prenatals till I'm just about to go on regular prenatals

 the dog .... he was rehomed due to a move and basically due to circumstance we could not afford to keep him nor could we find a rental where we could have him but I have updates and he is doing well with his new family. 

Well Loosing weight has kinda his a big stand still -_- I lost the baby weight got to my pre baby weight and well here I am Umm like I told my friend the other day I dont think I can ever stop dieting I would become a beluga well I didn't diet while I was pregnant and I dont tihnk I'll do that again maybe my version of dieting is just what your suppose to eat ? 

We are planning a trip to Disney world spring of 2015 Here's hoping ^_^ 

I have learned to sew better I have sewn a quilt for my daughter 2 actually I did a raggie quilt and I made the 100 wishes quilt and I have not posted a picture and I will but I did it okay I had help with the binding but I quilted alone ... I have also sewn three dresses for Julia now ^_^ and I'm planning something big for her turning 2.

I took a Dance class for my 26th Birthday and it was soo much fun my husband has since started a hard core working routine and due to his ankle problem isn't really in the mood but I appreciated him going out side of his comfort zone to do that for me 

I'm kinda happy that I completed most of my goals some goals I never knew I wanted but things I accomplished 

Julia's baby Book I 'm really in love with it I created it on Shutter fly and I did all the photography and that has really been where a lot of my growth in 2013 was. I really wished I would have blogged more about 2013, However it was a large life adjustment. Some good some bad but I'll live it at adjustment this year everything is finally settling into place we have a new place in Hermitage, TN which is right outside Nashville, TN. 

I've joined sewing groups and I'm really happy with those outcomes. I have learned more as far as pattern making in the past month then I have in like 3 years though I think sewing is like a snow ball effect it just starts soo small and you just have no idea what your doing and you just doubt yourself and syc yourself out like no I can't I just can't but once you just sit down and say I can do this , You cut out the pattern , you stitch it together good things will happen if Bad things happen you can seam rip and try again. about the worse thing you can do which i have learned not to do is you have to cut with the grain!!! I used to cut my pattern in what I thought was the most Economical Way to cut a pattern to get the ABSOLUTE most use out of the Fabric... I just heard Shudders from sewers everywhere but I was waste not want not .... Dont do that How you cut your fabric against the stretch is Sooo Important 

I learned more but that was probably in hind sight why some of my earlier sewing things didn't turn out so hot >.<  

Some things that are just tripping me up as of late .... Oh where do I start.. I Hate the Just a stay at home mom kick its soo annoying.... Honestly would you feel better if I got a job would you rather me stress out my relationship with my husband... Would you rather me be more exhausted then I am now... I tried working I honestly did from the time Julia was about 6-10 month or was she 1. I got this tacky part time job where the lady never respected the fact I just wanted a small part time job!! Over scheduled me to a point that I basically lost grandma daycare ... I made what $8 an hour what I would have to pay $10 for someone to keep my daughter ....Now my husband is honestly working from 7 am till 9 pm and I just never see him and I'm honestly so depressed about him always being at work :/ its for the best ... then I'm bombarded with go to college ... When did college create a job >.< and for that matter online college .. I'm highly skeptical of online college... If I meet one more mother getting her business degree from Devry I'll vomit !! and I'm sorry if you have a degree from Devry and I really hope it worked out for you.... I know about 20 some odd people who its not working for and I'm not really that interested in medical coding and billing.... Or some other Go to mom job I would teach if the system was soo corrupt but Wow Do I really want to get into my despise of public schools no .. I don't even want my child going to public schools. ugh feels like I'm ranting well its cheaper then therapy right ??? and who really reads this no one so its like writing a letter no one sees kinda exercise...OH and I don't want to annoy my friends with shopping offers btw I will NEVER Purchase anything from anyone my only exception I have one girl scout cookies why cause I was a girl scout and stupid pledge my 12 year old self made if someone ask me to buy cookies I will buy cookies !! its like my one weakness I have been there done that and I was like come on its just a box a cookies >.<  So I hope your happy 12 year old self 

any whom back to the top I'm happy being a stay at home mom Why is everyone else such jerks about it !! its really annoying I know i'm not curing cancer but its not like your doing something soo much more awesome >.< I mean your going to work for someone to make them money 90% of the people I know work what I think of as a meaningless job I get why you do it its a means to survive but don't sit here and say my life is meaningless if your stacking boxes , saying do you want fries with that , or whatever meaningless job your doing ... I don't want to and frankly I don't have to and I don't say that to be mean cause honestly the shit you guys say is mean ... I would get so lonely .. I would feel isolated ...yeah I get lonely not lonely enough to want to go flip a burger but yeah whatever 

to the 10% of people who have a job I slightly envy you have student loan debt and from what I have figured its ALOT of Student loan debt like more debt then I even want to sit down and contemplate and your the lucky ones who actually got jobs and hopefully can pay it all back ... There are people who get college degrees and Never find a job which they can utilize it that would REALLY SUCK !! but some how you have worked just hard enough that finally you get to do what ever it is you want to do And I'm happy for you !! I sadly dont want your life but I"m happy for you 

so I guess what this Boils Down to is MY REALLY HAPPY being at home with my KID 

I LOVE BEING A home maker 
I 'm really  good at it 


like well your going to work when she gets older ... NO , what do you want to do when you grow up ... Doing it ... What if your husband leave you ... I dunno what if your company files bankruptcy and your department is down sized I mean shit it happens ... 

Ugh this has  turned into a Rant 

Honestly If I could size up right now the 2 things I really want well I'll sound shallow 

I just want to be home with my kid and Loose weight so that I'm never a fat mom 
Hot mom yes fat mom NO 

ugh I just dont like where this blog led .... Its just how I'm feeling right now ... I feel down, but I feel like I was put there I feel like society has really put down motherhood as something trivial that you can do between Pilates and coffee. Why Do I have to be a Martyr and work 40 hours too. Why can't I enjoy my life as a wife and mother Why isn't the 2 greatest things about me can't define me as an amazing person.