Monday, March 3, 2014

Creative life

Today I may have found my ultimate photographer Role Model. I won't call her Mentor cause supposedly she doesn't want to be one but I ultimately just fell in love with her after watching her creative live class. If your not familiar with Creative live you need to get familiar its an amazing Online course with Videos from legit professional who actually make money in the business not your fat pompous art professor from community college. Why did I got there again oh wait it was FREE >.<  Ahh the Old All ma Mater !!! I mean seriously nothing could have been more stifling and cruel the being a artist there.... >.<  I just assumed I could never do art commercially and went on to computers as that seems like a better idea to a impressionable 19 year old.  BTW Computers from a community college also Not so helpful because I learned Main frame Programming -_- RPG and COBOL kids sure the programming was older then me , sure you had to literally slow down the computer to handle it ... But that didn't stop this girl from sending the computer into a loop of a life time and causing the main frame to crash ^_^ !!! I bet Mrs. Hill house loved me I was also the CPNA president That is Computer Programmers and Net workers Association for all those not in the know !!  I'm sure it had nothing to do with my adorable Denim Mini and Red Halter as I also was In a Miss ICC pageant and was having head shots that day -_- ... I honestly would never had ran had it not been for the egotistical Man Child Chase running unopposed it was only after I received the position that i realize this was not a prize I wanted to win...

Okay enough about my College years anyhow we see the gap from my art which basically became non existent from years 2008- 2012 a happy House painting when I was in the mood But dare I say that was IT!!!  That was probably until my meeting Tish Evans which actually happened about the same time I was expecting the most amazing little bundle of joy in my life ... She was a photographer/ storm chaser and a all around amazing person to hang out with. She always had her camera and she was so creative ^_^ I was really in love with the camera ... I'll be it Fascinated ....ALL the buttons Controls Dooo Dads and gadgets ... Seriously my camera had like one button and its CLICK!!! haha I think it had maybe like a few modes and that was it !!  Oh and lots not forget to mention the lenses all the lenses they still fascinate me !! how you can change them out and change your perspective on the ENTIRE subject far a way close up Bokeh At the time I just called the making the back ground blurry ... Oh and lets not even forget to mention MACRO I hate to say it I honestly though all those drawing of snowflakes was something people did but oh look at a snowflake up close they really are just AMAZING!! I had to have one of my own !! I had to take pictures of things up close whats life unless you have taken pictures of a SNOWFLAKE !! far to short

I was Received My first DSLR A Canon Rebel T4i and I rarely brag but it was the newest in the rebel series when I got it and I felt pretty spectacular about myself for that moment. IF you know me I rarely spoil myself and I typically buy used and save the difference but oh the moment of pure luxury opening the Black box with the red lettering revealing a Shiny black new camera with all the books and everything still in tack. My husband even purchased my first lens the other day besides the kit lens a 50 mm Oh I felt like a big shot...

Of course there are people who tried to bring me down ... There are better cameras then a Rebel... there are more expensive lenses these people are stuck on goodies and I honestly think blame there photography on poor Equipment I have seen astounding photos taken with a camera phone seriously I'm sometimes befuddled with how people do get amazing quality photos with iphones !!  Equipment will come and go and remarkably some amazing photos were taken before all of the equipment... I will never be limited by my equipment and I know one day I'll have the better lens and the big back drops and the pretty lights all in good time I believe.

We are coming up on my Anniversary of the Rebel ^_^ I know because its time to take her to bestiary Yes I was somehow bilked into purchasing the care package for a year soo I will be getting my shutter cleaned.. I have been hoping okay Maybe polite fully suggesting that for my anniversary this year my husband could get me Ohhh I dunno a new Macro lens *Hint Hint* Honey Which I'm now wondering how many Years will it take before I feel like a photographer? I have 1 year of experience with a DSLR using it non stop !! However then I came across Sue Brice as for mentioned at the top!! and her class EYE opening ! I just had no direction Would I go professional? Could I make the leap?  I think the answer is Yes and yes ... I am however going to be honest and say I haven't been working as Hard as I could be!! I have taken pictures that I love. I have taken pictures and shared them. However I have not blogged about my Journey. I have not Acquired a Following, I have not Created a website, I haven't even created a Simple Business card !! Its official I Deserve A business Card !! I 'm at a point where I feel I can call myself a Photographer. I feel Comfortable with the term and its time for me to come to term with Pricing with Addressing that I'm a person with needs and I should be compensated for my equipment, time , and money ... not included Training and knowledge I have acquired over the past year. I'm only missing one thing Confidence. Its time for me to Dig Deep Down and say I'm worth it !!

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