Monday, September 10, 2012

My feelings about Breastfeeding

You know I thought about it and I finally Did it I took a picture of Julia Breastfeeding Why Cause I'm proud of it !!! I don't want to forget her little face as she did it. I want complete credit for doing it cause I'm Gonna say it Breast Feeding is HARD and For all of my Friends who Have done it , continue to do it, and Commit too doing it. Cause you know what in the controversy, the pros of breastfeeding, all the wonderful reason you should breastfeed. No one ever seems to mention HOW HARD IT IS !!! Breastfeeding mothers don't get enough Credit.

Now you see I'm not downing people who can't breastfeed and Those people are typically very supportive, but I will be honest I dont think that many people are incapable of Breastfeeding as too who can and who can't thats for them to figure out but only a handful of my friends actually breastfeed and I can't imagine that like 80% of women can't breastfeed I mean lets be HONEST!! So why don't more people breastfeed with all the joys and wonders of breastfeeding Lets reviews

  • It's all You MOM, thats Right there is never really a break from breastfeeding sure I could PUMP enough but within 4-5 hours of not having the little sucker there i'm suffering engorgement 
  • If I went without pumping for a few hours I would suffer engorgement, leaking, and possible supply Issues
  • Guess who is doing the midnight, 2 am  6 am and 9 am feeding Oh yeah Its always YOUR TURN!!! 
  • Preparing a bottle of breast milk from Frozen takes Forever not like you formula shakers out there
  • you can prop a baby up with a bottle of Formula in the carseat I mean How freakin Awesome I have to sit there and unstrap and restrap the kid in
  • Finding a place to breastfeed can be nearly Impossible and trying to keep the little bugger under wraps can prove just as difficult I mean who really likes eating under a blanket :/ and for people who suggest bathroom stalls I suggest you enjoy your lunch in there 
  • KIDS are KIDS just saying babies get ansy, bored, fussy, while attached too you and this can be just plain annoying here you are trying to get your kid to eat and they are just playing around SHOOT
  • MY mouth gets dry when I breastfeed like Sahara desert Dry anyone else I mean I can kill a bottle of dasani in second after I start breastfeeding. 
  • Having to buy unattractive Nursing Bras I mean they should get more colorful but lets be honest its just nude, white, and maybe a black and you can't just buy these at walmart no you have to go to a boutique and shell Out GOOD MONEY for these bad boys
  • I have terrible fears that my boobs will be permanently scarred from breastfeeding and will sag to the ground by the time i'm 30 is that irrational
  • This again could be just me but I don't feel particularly attractive breastfeeding, Yes I know My body is doing wonderful Thing but I feel more like mother Teresa and less Jessica rabbit its like being stuck in mom mode 

There I said it Wooooo Some things about breastfeeding that get on my nerves cause no one Ever ever says it and I thought it should be said and While I have just admitted 1000 reasons why breastfeeding is not easy I will keep breastfeeding because anything worth doing is typically Hard. Nothing in life is easy and I know this is what is best for my Baby girl :) and for all my formula mom friends there are akward moments you have been spared not breastfeeding. I only have about 10 more months of breastfeed I can do it!!! I will also Give big BIG BIG GIANT KUDOS too every Woman who has EVER breastfed be it 1 day of 3 years who have done it with 1 child or 20 you understand all the awkwardness and wonder that comes with breastfeeding and no one every thanked you enough. give your self a big ole pat on the back you did a wonderful thing 

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