Thursday, January 31, 2013

Stay At Home MOM

I love being home with my Baby. She is ultimately the Light and love of my life. Its incredibly difficult living in the world we do today. I feel pushed to achieve something greater outside of the house.  A degree, a Career, maybe owning a business one day and Who knows be a famous Rockstar.... Okay maybe that ship has sailed but you know what I mean.

So I honestly Sit and I ponder at the age of 25 what do I want to do. Here's the thing I can't find a single thing that would make me happier then hanging out with my little girl All day. I feel as though Julia just is so advanced of course she my child and she is gifted, could anyone be more qualified to raise my child. Umm... NO !! sorry working moms No hate and if you hate being home then they are probably tons better at Daycare. I know from Past daycare experience you just can't give the same attention and have the same attachment to 7-8 toddlers as I do to my 1 child.

Though I will say the general consensus that I must sit around and do nothing all day is rather ANNOYING. I think I'm busier now then I have ever been in any time in my life. That's saying alot I used to go to school full time and worked 60 + hours between 2 jobs. The thing is there eventually you punch a time clock you go home and its over. Its just Never ending with babies even people who work get a hour lunch. I'm eating a meal replacement bar while feeding someone else applesauce. Washing cloth diapers, while folding a load of towel and entertaining someone else. Who would have known you could vacuum while wearing another human being.

of course I will admit being a stay at home mom is quite probably is a job that can be as difficult or as simple as you want to make it. Too all the moms who come up with enriching activities ...I salute you.  who will comfort there crying child... I salute you, Who reads to there babies, teach there babies, and do more then park them in front of the the TV... I salute you!!

I'm defiantly a eco momma I think you have to be a type A person to accomplish cloth diapering, baby food making, green cleaner crazy person. For anyone to call me lazy well that's just crazy. Sure I could go out and I could put all my many talents to use but why would I. I'm happy being who I am :)

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