Monday, September 10, 2012
My feelings about Breastfeeding
You know I thought about it and I finally Did it I took a picture of Julia Breastfeeding Why Cause I'm proud of it !!! I don't want to forget her little face as she did it. I want complete credit for doing it cause I'm Gonna say it Breast Feeding is HARD and For all of my Friends who Have done it , continue to do it, and Commit too doing it. Cause you know what in the controversy, the pros of breastfeeding, all the wonderful reason you should breastfeed. No one ever seems to mention HOW HARD IT IS !!! Breastfeeding mothers don't get enough Credit.
Now you see I'm not downing people who can't breastfeed and Those people are typically very supportive, but I will be honest I dont think that many people are incapable of Breastfeeding as too who can and who can't thats for them to figure out but only a handful of my friends actually breastfeed and I can't imagine that like 80% of women can't breastfeed I mean lets be HONEST!! So why don't more people breastfeed with all the joys and wonders of breastfeeding Lets reviews
Now you see I'm not downing people who can't breastfeed and Those people are typically very supportive, but I will be honest I dont think that many people are incapable of Breastfeeding as too who can and who can't thats for them to figure out but only a handful of my friends actually breastfeed and I can't imagine that like 80% of women can't breastfeed I mean lets be HONEST!! So why don't more people breastfeed with all the joys and wonders of breastfeeding Lets reviews
- It's all You MOM, thats Right there is never really a break from breastfeeding sure I could PUMP enough but within 4-5 hours of not having the little sucker there i'm suffering engorgement
- If I went without pumping for a few hours I would suffer engorgement, leaking, and possible supply Issues
- Guess who is doing the midnight, 2 am 6 am and 9 am feeding Oh yeah Its always YOUR TURN!!!
- Preparing a bottle of breast milk from Frozen takes Forever not like you formula shakers out there
- you can prop a baby up with a bottle of Formula in the carseat I mean How freakin Awesome I have to sit there and unstrap and restrap the kid in
- Finding a place to breastfeed can be nearly Impossible and trying to keep the little bugger under wraps can prove just as difficult I mean who really likes eating under a blanket :/ and for people who suggest bathroom stalls I suggest you enjoy your lunch in there
- KIDS are KIDS just saying babies get ansy, bored, fussy, while attached too you and this can be just plain annoying here you are trying to get your kid to eat and they are just playing around SHOOT
- MY mouth gets dry when I breastfeed like Sahara desert Dry anyone else I mean I can kill a bottle of dasani in second after I start breastfeeding.
- Having to buy unattractive Nursing Bras I mean they should get more colorful but lets be honest its just nude, white, and maybe a black and you can't just buy these at walmart no you have to go to a boutique and shell Out GOOD MONEY for these bad boys
- I have terrible fears that my boobs will be permanently scarred from breastfeeding and will sag to the ground by the time i'm 30 is that irrational
- This again could be just me but I don't feel particularly attractive breastfeeding, Yes I know My body is doing wonderful Thing but I feel more like mother Teresa and less Jessica rabbit its like being stuck in mom mode
There I said it Wooooo Some things about breastfeeding that get on my nerves cause no one Ever ever says it and I thought it should be said and While I have just admitted 1000 reasons why breastfeeding is not easy I will keep breastfeeding because anything worth doing is typically Hard. Nothing in life is easy and I know this is what is best for my Baby girl :) and for all my formula mom friends there are akward moments you have been spared not breastfeeding. I only have about 10 more months of breastfeed I can do it!!! I will also Give big BIG BIG GIANT KUDOS too every Woman who has EVER breastfed be it 1 day of 3 years who have done it with 1 child or 20 you understand all the awkwardness and wonder that comes with breastfeeding and no one every thanked you enough. give your self a big ole pat on the back you did a wonderful thing
Saturday, September 8, 2012
The End of Elastic waist pants
Well I'm 7 weeks post par tum from having my first Little Bundle of Joy!!! Absolutely Love her We are in the progress of moving totally unexpected Mind you but Still the change is appreciated with a touch of dread. Since I will be taking a flight out in a little more then a week I'm helping my husband pack of the house for him to move. Noted I'm thinking about the big picture and what we have space for in the new house and trying to PURGE as much as Possible. I have now come to the conclusion that Nesting can all and all be called hoarding with a purpose...... Never have I ever had soo much stuff jammed in every nook and cranny of my house. While neatly put away as it was there was still more of it then I can handle soo time to let er go and try again plus the only downside of getting rid of too much is having to replace it with more shopping ^_^ a punishment I soo relish in!!!! One of the first things I just packed All My Maternity!!! okay maybe not all of it but definitely the monster size part of it; the 3rd Trimester Circus tents. Some of the more Stylish Second Trimester is still in my routine until My entire pooch is gone. Which reminds me sooo ready to join like a mommy and me Gym thing get me a jogging stroller and enjoy the Crisp Fall Air!!! Whose ready for Fall Kids? Best part of a summer baby I get a whole year to get prepared for swim season !! Which I need as much time as possible pregnancy was not Kind to me >.<
How Long did it take Until ALL of your maternity was out of your rotation and your skinny jeans Fit again?
Comment Below :) even you genetic abnormal people who were smaller after birth I have extreme Envy Mind you
How Long did it take Until ALL of your maternity was out of your rotation and your skinny jeans Fit again?
Comment Below :) even you genetic abnormal people who were smaller after birth I have extreme Envy Mind you
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Baby in DC : )
A museum is definitely a wonderful outing for a baby
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Crazy Colic (may not be Colic)
I'm soo Happy would you believe I have a well-behaved baby I know pictures can tell a far different tale but my Child has been quite the ill pill. After talking to friend and family and a ER doctor and getting no answers I Googled and would you believe google had the answer of not enough for milk and she needs more hind milk and I'll be crazy but it worked I kept her interested in nursing for a full 20 mins on one breast no swapping didn't give her the option to walk away and I have what could only be called a Happy Sleeping baby. She had all the symptoms of colic, she had gas and green poop. Now I'm still not sure this could be a total Fluke performance but I will say I will try this again
could this be a sign of more sleep filled nights my hours are officially reversed Thanks alot baby >.< and tomorrow is Labor day and we are going to D.C. me I feel its going to be a good day. Excited :) super excited pictures to follow ^_^
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
3rd times a Charm
Okay soo if this works then Everytime I blog then my Facebook will post Automatically without me having to do anything seriously How wonderfully LAZY it that!!! I mean I may just stop writting Facebook Status and Have everyone seek out My Blog LOL : ) How Phenomenal Is that
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
1 Month Fun stuff Photo Blog
Its Official I have become a Lazy Photo Blogger but when do people get time to Blog with babies !!!
I mean lets be serious But I don't want anyone thinking I gave up writting I have just Busy with Baby girl. I'm no professional Photographer but I took these with a Nikon l110 and I photo edited with picmonkey. I feel as though I do a pretty Decent job considering. What do you think of our photography? comments of the subject are welcome too? she is like perfect RIGHT
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Growing a Baby :)
From 12 weeks to Delivery This is my BELLY and Might I say I miss pre pregnancy Me I 'll never take that for granted again and in just a week and a few days i'm cleared to work out :)
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Emergency C section Blues
I had a Emergency C-section. After months of planning, reading the books and being slightly depressed about doing a hospital birth even though I would have preferred a at home water birth. I ended up with a Emergency C-section. I was dialated 3 cm 80 effaced she was in a -1 station head down and I got a Emergency C- section. I'm sad and I can't figure out why I'm soo sad about it.
I'm an adult and I should be able to look at the facts. Facts are I needed a c-section it was not some unnecessary evil operation that Happened because of corporate greed like I had read in the books. My child had a pro-lapsed cord and was in serious medical distress. She would have never survived a vaginal birth. My child is Perfect in every way she is amazing just a easy to love baby that just wants to be held and cuddled.
Everyday I can stay awake and take pictures and talk to my husband, but every night when I'm alone and baby girl sleeps quietly in her bassinet beside my bed I just cry. I wanted to see her after I gave birth. I'm jealous of my husband for being able to stand up and see behind the curtain and that he got to hold her first. I'm sad he didn't get to cut the cord and that instead of big cheers after her birth I hear the talking of dr. about her pro-lapsed cord. I hated not being able to hold her for her first breastfeeding and having to be helped even though it really did help and we can breastfeed thank god. I feel like I ran the worlds biggest 9 month marathon of emotions and sickness and other horrible symptoms and I finally saw the finish line and it was like someone just disqualified me from the race almost as if I wasn't good enough to compete.
I'm not stupid and I know no one blames me but I almost blame myself Maybe it was the induction that caused it. My husband says she was already showing little dips in her heart beat with the first set of contractions. The fact that we had many false alarms and one time we sat there for 30 mins while they did a ultra sound on Jewel. Did she know all along that something was a miss and never told me and if something was a miss then Why wouldn't you tell me. My assumption is I guess with no definitive view of the cord no one would have ever told me. However I did read that the rupturing of the amniotic sack could cause it however I couldn't imagine that she was low fluid anyway.
Though even When I can come to grips with the idea that I had a emergency c-section. That is was Entirely necessary that Jewel is perfect and maybe I did nothing to cause it. I get sad 1 more time for the future, will I always have c-sections will I never get to finish the race. I know I will never have a home birth I was planning on doing that after Having a dry run at the hospital. I only get one more chance to try and labor and if something were to go wrong I will be disqualified for life and for everything to go soo smoothly with baby girl for so long and then to go arry all the way at the end well thats scary cause pretty much until I push out my next child the fear of a emergency c- section will always Loom in the back of my mind.
I dont even know if I'm having post partum or just typical baby blues or even if m reasoning is just I 'm only a week out from my c-section and Jewel is perfect soo eventually we will get there and I will feel better. I just nknow it but just figured I would share my thoughts
I'm an adult and I should be able to look at the facts. Facts are I needed a c-section it was not some unnecessary evil operation that Happened because of corporate greed like I had read in the books. My child had a pro-lapsed cord and was in serious medical distress. She would have never survived a vaginal birth. My child is Perfect in every way she is amazing just a easy to love baby that just wants to be held and cuddled.
Everyday I can stay awake and take pictures and talk to my husband, but every night when I'm alone and baby girl sleeps quietly in her bassinet beside my bed I just cry. I wanted to see her after I gave birth. I'm jealous of my husband for being able to stand up and see behind the curtain and that he got to hold her first. I'm sad he didn't get to cut the cord and that instead of big cheers after her birth I hear the talking of dr. about her pro-lapsed cord. I hated not being able to hold her for her first breastfeeding and having to be helped even though it really did help and we can breastfeed thank god. I feel like I ran the worlds biggest 9 month marathon of emotions and sickness and other horrible symptoms and I finally saw the finish line and it was like someone just disqualified me from the race almost as if I wasn't good enough to compete.
I'm not stupid and I know no one blames me but I almost blame myself Maybe it was the induction that caused it. My husband says she was already showing little dips in her heart beat with the first set of contractions. The fact that we had many false alarms and one time we sat there for 30 mins while they did a ultra sound on Jewel. Did she know all along that something was a miss and never told me and if something was a miss then Why wouldn't you tell me. My assumption is I guess with no definitive view of the cord no one would have ever told me. However I did read that the rupturing of the amniotic sack could cause it however I couldn't imagine that she was low fluid anyway.
Though even When I can come to grips with the idea that I had a emergency c-section. That is was Entirely necessary that Jewel is perfect and maybe I did nothing to cause it. I get sad 1 more time for the future, will I always have c-sections will I never get to finish the race. I know I will never have a home birth I was planning on doing that after Having a dry run at the hospital. I only get one more chance to try and labor and if something were to go wrong I will be disqualified for life and for everything to go soo smoothly with baby girl for so long and then to go arry all the way at the end well thats scary cause pretty much until I push out my next child the fear of a emergency c- section will always Loom in the back of my mind.
I dont even know if I'm having post partum or just typical baby blues or even if m reasoning is just I 'm only a week out from my c-section and Jewel is perfect soo eventually we will get there and I will feel better. I just nknow it but just figured I would share my thoughts
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Giving Birth or (God laugh's at Birth Plan) LOL : P
Well it finally came and went my DUE DATE!!! July 14 2012 no Julia with all the signs and symptoms of early labor there and still no baby I was anything if not PISSED!!! annoyed and slightly perterbed. Watching baby story pissed me off just cause those people got to have babies and here I was swollen and HUGE and NO BABY!!! sooo the doctors appointment on the previous day Dr. Belazi Told me I could get induced on Tuesday the 17th
Okay that weekend dragged on like a bad date with a akward exchange student!! my friends came in from out of town along with my in laws we went for a Long Walk and everything to induce Labor and make her come. by Monday night I had accepted the fate of my induction and moved on. I was excited I would have my little girl soon enough. :) so I cuddled my husband watched some movies took a Long bath and just enjoyed my last few hours of being Childless. Now I was told to call into the hospital at 6 am to check for another room WOOT a room to get labor started !!! yay me I called and would you believe they were busy. face palm!!! they told me to call back at NOON but in the end they ended up calling me around 10 am and said there was room at the inn. Oh the excitement my number has been called and in hours I would join in the ranks of mommy hood and my little girl would be here!!!
We were on the way to are hospital Virtua Memorial Hospital. My bestie Tish and my husband at my side I was ready. Had a pep talk with my mom I was ready. We went to are room I even had the room with a tub!!! Soo excited for my natural BIRTH lets get the ball rolling kids
Friday, July 13, 2012
Happy Due date Jewel
Happy Due Date baby Girl, I doubt you know it or have any idea but today is your Due date. It would be wonderful to see your little face today. Everyday that goes by without me seeing you is just torture. You are Kicking or hiccuping and seem to be having a wonderful time in my belly. I promise you can keep doing those things and more if you would just come out >.< I need to clean house Jamie and Tanner are going to be here soon along with my in-laws but now that your head as moved into -2 station let me tell you the uncomfrotableness of walking is just OW ow Ow OW oW and while your father is helpful with some things keeping house and being tidy is not his strong suit Ohwell.
I'm getting so anxious
I'm horribly horribly anxious these last few weeks pregnant. I'm having horrible nightmares about horrible things happening. I have horrible insomnia and if I do fall asleep due to pure exhaustion then I wake up in a panic. I have never been the type for panic attacks of anxiety but I"m truly starting to understand people who have it.
I worry about people coming into the house and killing me or kidnapping my unborn child yes I realize thats entirely Impossible seeing that she is still in side me but its gory its bloody its a night mare. My husband going Missing and being unlocatable and gone and with no reason and I go looking or him and I can't find him. those are like my worst nightmares.
then my more realistic fears include but are not limited too something awful happening to julia. Her being still born, dying in delivery, the house catching fire, my husband loosing his job, something awful happening to the baby. someone dropping the baby. I honestly can't imagine letting anyone near her. out of fear that something awful would happen.
I can't stand when my husband is away and I cant stand to leave the house. Now in fairness this is sooo UNLIKE ME and has only started happening I better just snap out of it cause I can't deal with this. I need to remind myself that nothign bad is going to happen and even if it did we would be able to work through it
I wish Bryan would talk to me and reassure me and make me feel better but there ya go midnight insomnia typing madness :( Now maybe that I got that out of my system I can go to bed.
I worry about people coming into the house and killing me or kidnapping my unborn child yes I realize thats entirely Impossible seeing that she is still in side me but its gory its bloody its a night mare. My husband going Missing and being unlocatable and gone and with no reason and I go looking or him and I can't find him. those are like my worst nightmares.
then my more realistic fears include but are not limited too something awful happening to julia. Her being still born, dying in delivery, the house catching fire, my husband loosing his job, something awful happening to the baby. someone dropping the baby. I honestly can't imagine letting anyone near her. out of fear that something awful would happen.
I can't stand when my husband is away and I cant stand to leave the house. Now in fairness this is sooo UNLIKE ME and has only started happening I better just snap out of it cause I can't deal with this. I need to remind myself that nothign bad is going to happen and even if it did we would be able to work through it
I wish Bryan would talk to me and reassure me and make me feel better but there ya go midnight insomnia typing madness :( Now maybe that I got that out of my system I can go to bed.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Pre-Labor once upon a time I watched people give birth on television. they would quickly feel terrible, have there water ( Magically Break), and all of a sudden baby was crowning. Like a Pizza Hut pizza in 30 mins Or less that baby was delivered!!! I now say What a crock!!!
I have been experiencing Pre-Labor kids. Something you never saw on those Facts of Life or Full House re-runs. I now realize my expectations for Labor was entirely unrealistic. Keep in mind I knew it would HURT. I'm not completely Special. However For days over a week I would say July 3rd I have been having in and out contractions Painful Painful stuff. I stayed at my friend, Tish's house while we tried to make my Labor move. Called my Husband for support rolled on the ball no baby. Followed by July 4th when we saw the fireworks I had painful contractions but I didn't go to the dr. I just waited
July 6th a quick Dr. Appt and sweeping of the membranes I thought That would start Labor.
Somewhere around July 7th Severe Pain mixed with the losing of my my TMI (mucus plug) I was positive I was in active labor at 3 cm and 50% effaced with legitimate contractions that were readable on the machine were not close enough together only to send me home.
Now for the past 2-3 days I have been having painful rhythmic contractions. I have a feeling my pelvic bone is literally going to snap in half. I think god is going to make me Soo thankful for the feeling of Labor. While some women are scared and Upset I wont be Because I can't sit in the Labor Limbo for much Longer. I would love to get to the active part then I could set a watch and Say Oh in 10-14 hours this Little girl is going to be here However until then I'm going to sit on my birthing ball Gently Rolling around Waiting for my sweet little girl.
Keep in mind I love her I would do this again. I wish anyone would have told me that this was what would have happened. I found a few medical journals that basically discuss that this is normal which does make me feel better I was starting to feel like a loser. We are soo used to seeing people use pitocin that the idea of someone taking a week or 2 to deliver is unheard of. Though there are alot of things my body is doing to prepare for Juila its training the uterus, its releasing all the hormones, Its releasing all the relaxtin so the my Pelvis will Open and I'm dilating, effacing and thinning.
I will say my biggest worry is that I'll labor at home for too long and me and Julia will miss the window for an epidural I didn't really want one but NOW I really really do. I'm also worried I wont get to the Dr. on time have that home birth I always wanted but I'm sure real labor is going to hurt enough to get my attention and then will go to the hospital and see what happens.
I have been experiencing Pre-Labor kids. Something you never saw on those Facts of Life or Full House re-runs. I now realize my expectations for Labor was entirely unrealistic. Keep in mind I knew it would HURT. I'm not completely Special. However For days over a week I would say July 3rd I have been having in and out contractions Painful Painful stuff. I stayed at my friend, Tish's house while we tried to make my Labor move. Called my Husband for support rolled on the ball no baby. Followed by July 4th when we saw the fireworks I had painful contractions but I didn't go to the dr. I just waited
July 6th a quick Dr. Appt and sweeping of the membranes I thought That would start Labor.
Somewhere around July 7th Severe Pain mixed with the losing of my my TMI (mucus plug) I was positive I was in active labor at 3 cm and 50% effaced with legitimate contractions that were readable on the machine were not close enough together only to send me home.
Now for the past 2-3 days I have been having painful rhythmic contractions. I have a feeling my pelvic bone is literally going to snap in half. I think god is going to make me Soo thankful for the feeling of Labor. While some women are scared and Upset I wont be Because I can't sit in the Labor Limbo for much Longer. I would love to get to the active part then I could set a watch and Say Oh in 10-14 hours this Little girl is going to be here However until then I'm going to sit on my birthing ball Gently Rolling around Waiting for my sweet little girl.
Keep in mind I love her I would do this again. I wish anyone would have told me that this was what would have happened. I found a few medical journals that basically discuss that this is normal which does make me feel better I was starting to feel like a loser. We are soo used to seeing people use pitocin that the idea of someone taking a week or 2 to deliver is unheard of. Though there are alot of things my body is doing to prepare for Juila its training the uterus, its releasing all the hormones, Its releasing all the relaxtin so the my Pelvis will Open and I'm dilating, effacing and thinning.
I will say my biggest worry is that I'll labor at home for too long and me and Julia will miss the window for an epidural I didn't really want one but NOW I really really do. I'm also worried I wont get to the Dr. on time have that home birth I always wanted but I'm sure real labor is going to hurt enough to get my attention and then will go to the hospital and see what happens.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Before and AFter
This is my Bow Holder How cute is this Before and after of a 4 dollar frame from Goodwill
I never went into a Big description on this I wish I would have taken more In between Pictures learning as I blog !! but I will try to explain what I did. I purchased this round frame with a meh pictures in it. It is just a print I have actually come across this 3 more times rare this is not !! Well I Prime and Painted the frame silver, Removed the glass, and basically Stapled the fabric ONTO the back which was a really thick background so that totally worked !! I then lined up some ribbons you could go straight up and down or side to side i was kinda feeling like a diamond pattern with silver glitter ribbon and now its soo cute and you honestly never see the fabric or the ribbow the bows are soo think. haha
I never went into a Big description on this I wish I would have taken more In between Pictures learning as I blog !! but I will try to explain what I did. I purchased this round frame with a meh pictures in it. It is just a print I have actually come across this 3 more times rare this is not !! Well I Prime and Painted the frame silver, Removed the glass, and basically Stapled the fabric ONTO the back which was a really thick background so that totally worked !! I then lined up some ribbons you could go straight up and down or side to side i was kinda feeling like a diamond pattern with silver glitter ribbon and now its soo cute and you honestly never see the fabric or the ribbow the bows are soo think. haha
Thursday, June 28, 2012
I have to go have a Ultra sound today. For a perfectly healthy, perfectly normal Pregnancy I have had a ton of medical intervention to a point I find it kinda ANNOYING. New thing with the dr. is they think she may end up with shoulder Dystosia. They want to make sure she is not to big and I am not to small and were talking C-section REALLY REALLY C-section Gah How unnecessary. Ive been entirely bummed all day least they squeezed the us in super quick.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
dr . appointmnetn
going to the dr. today in about 30 mins super exciting. I'm 37 weeks and 4 days Only 2 more weeks and 3 days Julia just come on out. POKE POKE POKE!!! I hope I'm dilated more I was 1 cm last week just seems like 9 cm is going to take forever. Bryan was going to come with me to the Dr. But now he can't which :( I really wanted him to come. I hope I'm in labor just so his work has to deal without him they never give him any time off with me !!! > ,< ever This whole pregnancy I have asked , begged and pleaded he take some time off he has plenty of vacation days he never ever uses. Would be nice to have just had a week where we got everything done and Maybe take a few lazy days before baby But Ohwell. He gets 10 days of paternity leave no matter what. BTW I'm just going to say it my business HURTS her head is just SOOO LOW I can't stand it much longer I really hope Julia comes out soon. This is just hurting :/
Monday, June 25, 2012
Julia first library
Look at her little Library!!! how amazing We have block book, paper back hard back soo many books and even some Flash Cards :) I love love love it
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Time is Beginning to Drag
OKAY!!! So lets be honest Time is Beginning to stand still. Everyday Is just taking a little longer. even if I keep Myself Occupied with activities it just doesn't seem to help the problem. I really want to not be pregnant. Its hot , I'm swollen , and I'm sweating in places I have never sweat before ew!!! As for Remedies for starting labor I'm getting to a point where I even know if I'm helping or using all my energy in the direction. (face-palm) it just can't be healthy.
Today I wandered a Blueberry festival, Went swimming, did deep squats, and moved in every position to make the baby move out . She is content to sit there I'm obviously a very comfy person to hang out inside of !!! >.< a little too comfy. having a person on the inside just not as comfy though Julia. I think I'm going to have a fun day of scrap booking and if Julia wont come out no biggie.
Today I wandered a Blueberry festival, Went swimming, did deep squats, and moved in every position to make the baby move out . She is content to sit there I'm obviously a very comfy person to hang out inside of !!! >.< a little too comfy. having a person on the inside just not as comfy though Julia. I think I'm going to have a fun day of scrap booking and if Julia wont come out no biggie.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Packing for the hospital

Over to my Left you will see are Pink Minky covered Boppy are Wubbanub, pinky the poodle, and her nighty night Blankie
I also made a video of the other stuff for the hospital and I have to tell you smart Idea to check your electronics Before you go to the hospital BECAUSE are camcorder was stuck in Infro- red I couldn't figure out for the Longest what was wrong with it. I thought it must be low lighting but then I'm like My black Samsonite suitcase looks NAVY. I know that Bugger is BLACK soo WTF is going on and thats what it was. SOO. I think I have everything except BATTERIES for the camera which I will send Bryan for tonight.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Living in the moment
Well I'm 35 weeks and 3 days I'm just about as miserable as miserable can be. I have gone online and read about all the Wives tales for making a baby come out. Besides a few natural things there is not a lot I can do. red raspberry leaf tea and prim rose oil and bouncing on a birthing ball but nothing that will make her come a moment sooner. Which Kinda sucks On the upside we had a Hematology appointment and that went SUPER my Platelets are up and turns out baby girl and me are remarkably healthy. Which makes me think I'll be pregnant forever.
But we are going to live in the moment and in this moment Julia is getting the best care ever. She is not in a incubator she is not in the hospital she is completely healthy and protected By me her mother. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be as miserable as I feel right now for that privilege. She is growing and thriving and will be here Very soon so I just need to focus on some easy projects for the next month. That don't require me leaving the house. I don't want to leave the house anymore outside of my house it is Hot, there are no Pillows, and my feet swell. I hate that I'm about to go like super hermit because I'm a Very VERY out going person but I may be taking a hiatus from my hectic lifestyle and just sit here and contemplate LIFE and work on a super mommy To-do List.
Super Mommy To-Do list
#1. develop all the pictures from the Gender Reveal, baby shower, and Maternity Photos and Belly Pictures from my entire pregnancy
#2. Scrap Book My entire Pregnancy
#3. Catalog all the letters and quilt squares for Julia's Quilt
#4. Address and Stamp All the Birth Announcements
#5. Pack the most super-ess Hospital bag
#6. Rinse all my music on my computer and external hard-drive and load onto Ipod for Hospital
#7. Finish setting up my crafting closet and the crafting room.
#8. Finish the handles to Julia's Dresser
#9. Make a Painting for Julia's Room
#10. Create belly Cast with Belly casting Kit
#11. Organize My closet
#12. Clean out my car
#13. Clean out the fridge
But we are going to live in the moment and in this moment Julia is getting the best care ever. She is not in a incubator she is not in the hospital she is completely healthy and protected By me her mother. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be as miserable as I feel right now for that privilege. She is growing and thriving and will be here Very soon so I just need to focus on some easy projects for the next month. That don't require me leaving the house. I don't want to leave the house anymore outside of my house it is Hot, there are no Pillows, and my feet swell. I hate that I'm about to go like super hermit because I'm a Very VERY out going person but I may be taking a hiatus from my hectic lifestyle and just sit here and contemplate LIFE and work on a super mommy To-do List.
Super Mommy To-Do list
#1. develop all the pictures from the Gender Reveal, baby shower, and Maternity Photos and Belly Pictures from my entire pregnancy
#2. Scrap Book My entire Pregnancy
#3. Catalog all the letters and quilt squares for Julia's Quilt
#4. Address and Stamp All the Birth Announcements
#5. Pack the most super-ess Hospital bag
#6. Rinse all my music on my computer and external hard-drive and load onto Ipod for Hospital
#7. Finish setting up my crafting closet and the crafting room.
#8. Finish the handles to Julia's Dresser
#9. Make a Painting for Julia's Room
#10. Create belly Cast with Belly casting Kit
#11. Organize My closet
#12. Clean out my car
#13. Clean out the fridge
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
LOL things I have been doing Organizing EVERYTHING LOL That is all!!!!
Organizing the Quilt for Julia has been super fun and soo many squares I need to put the craft room together. This week.
Finish up her Room.. GOTTA hang those curtains and set up the bedding.!!!
More maternity Pictures this week
Make her a Ipod Playlist with lullabies, nursery rhymes, and White noise
Clean the house some more I'm just a messy mama
Organizing the Quilt for Julia has been super fun and soo many squares I need to put the craft room together. This week.
Finish up her Room.. GOTTA hang those curtains and set up the bedding.!!!
More maternity Pictures this week
Make her a Ipod Playlist with lullabies, nursery rhymes, and White noise
Clean the house some more I'm just a messy mama
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Donating the Afterbirth???
Okay I have always known you could Bank your child's cord Blood I have little interest in doing that as I cannot afford to do so , HOWEVER I have found out that instead of letting all that valuable Life giving Goo go to waste You can donate it!!! isn't that pleasant but its a Good conversation to have.
I wonder if anyone else is going to or has donated. I'm going to donate and I'll write about it. Cause I have never known anyone who has done it but hey maybe they would find something cool out about cord
blood. Maybe they will help another kid you never know
I wonder if anyone else is going to or has donated. I'm going to donate and I'll write about it. Cause I have never known anyone who has done it but hey maybe they would find something cool out about cord
blood. Maybe they will help another kid you never know
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The Start of Postage Stamp Quilt
Who knows How long this project will take me I will right down that today was the Day I started on it and from that will Know How long I will be at it :P
All credit is going to
She has the Best Tutorial For Postage Stamp Quilt
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Okay if you have been reading all of my post then you would know that we have had a crib Situation!!! OKAY soo I wanted a 4 poster White Crib After I fell in love with the Disney Princess crib at Baby's R US. OKAY I just didn't know if I could really bring myself the thrift store Queen too just spend that Kind of Money on a crib. Soo I saw one at Kmart the princess crib it was nice not as cute!! Again I dont know WHY 4 poster appealed to me something in life are just taste and preference and obviously with the lack of 4 poster cribs I can only assume I'm the only person who adores them.
Well then that started the I found a 4 poster crib on craigslist. OMG lessons I learned !!!
#1 I will NEVER trust someone to deliver something to me it just pigeon holds you into a purchase
#2 drop side cribs cannot be made stationary (not as simple as we thought)
#3 drop side cribs are tall and not LOW enough to be able to reach in for the average 5,4 woman and since I dont wanna chunk the kid in the crib YEAH but when I read about it sounded like a solution
#4 I didn't get all of the parts and if you dont know what all of the parts are do NOT assume they included them all Because when you assume You know
#5 if your Husband is Generally not into DIY your pregnancy Will NOT make him more interested in DIY
On the plus side I didn't spend that much on this lesson I will lick my wounds and move on. Even though I really DID fall in love with this crib now I was just Annoyed upset devastated and OH 30 some odd weeks pregnant. Which is just not doing anything for my sanity and if you know how much I have kicked myself in the pants over this decisions trying to save a buck just was NOT WORTH IT !!!
Seeing how I have done SOO GOOD with everything else her dresser, changing table, swing, bouncer, highchair, etc etc etc I decided it's my first CHILD its my LIttle Girl I'm going to SPLURGE !!! I took the dive and we bought the Disney Princess Crib from BABIES R us It really is gorgeous I even bought the RAILS sooo it can be her big girl bed! If I'm lucky she will love it as much as I do !! and it will last her a very long time and spending a good money on furniture . I think is a good investment. I think you know you a parent when you kids furniture cost more then your own.
Now I have to wait for it to get here Then I will take a picture!! so What have we learned even though I hate giving into Corporate america and there needs too pinch ever penny drop side cribs turned stationary is not SIMPLE Even with the kit the rails are TOO high To use
Well then that started the I found a 4 poster crib on craigslist. OMG lessons I learned !!!
#1 I will NEVER trust someone to deliver something to me it just pigeon holds you into a purchase
#2 drop side cribs cannot be made stationary (not as simple as we thought)
#3 drop side cribs are tall and not LOW enough to be able to reach in for the average 5,4 woman and since I dont wanna chunk the kid in the crib YEAH but when I read about it sounded like a solution
#4 I didn't get all of the parts and if you dont know what all of the parts are do NOT assume they included them all Because when you assume You know
#5 if your Husband is Generally not into DIY your pregnancy Will NOT make him more interested in DIY
On the plus side I didn't spend that much on this lesson I will lick my wounds and move on. Even though I really DID fall in love with this crib now I was just Annoyed upset devastated and OH 30 some odd weeks pregnant. Which is just not doing anything for my sanity and if you know how much I have kicked myself in the pants over this decisions trying to save a buck just was NOT WORTH IT !!!
Seeing how I have done SOO GOOD with everything else her dresser, changing table, swing, bouncer, highchair, etc etc etc I decided it's my first CHILD its my LIttle Girl I'm going to SPLURGE !!! I took the dive and we bought the Disney Princess Crib from BABIES R us It really is gorgeous I even bought the RAILS sooo it can be her big girl bed! If I'm lucky she will love it as much as I do !! and it will last her a very long time and spending a good money on furniture . I think is a good investment. I think you know you a parent when you kids furniture cost more then your own.
Now I have to wait for it to get here Then I will take a picture!! so What have we learned even though I hate giving into Corporate america and there needs too pinch ever penny drop side cribs turned stationary is not SIMPLE Even with the kit the rails are TOO high To use
Saturday, April 28, 2012
I Must remain Calm.....
I'm like the opposite of calm in fact I would deem I'm what we could call a Type A control freak to a Certain Extent. Lately People are getting on my nerves. Being pregnant is Also Getting on my nerves Now keep in mind I love my child... I MEAN LOVE HER...However, I'm starting to realize 40 weeks is a LONG LONG LONG TIME. I mention my restlessness with being pregnant and some people were like you are being selfish and you dont want to be FAT. OMG really at this point the Fat issue isn't even remotely what is bothering me I could care less. Things about pregnancy that are bothering me and I will rant this is my blog. if you are a control freak being pregnant is kinda like the opposite of being in control in fact welcome to the Wild ride that is being pregnant. Nothing you will ever read, no matter what anyone will ever tell you , Nothing will prepare you for being pregnant because everyone Every Ones Pregnancy experience is Different.I'm 29 weeks today I still have 11 more weeks to go and its just tiring. I'm tired, I'm cranky, I'm not in the mood anymore. My husband is stressing me out I mean thank god he is here but I'm just Cranky . I just can't get calm I'm always anxious I'm anxious about everything. I'm anxious about her nursery, I'm anxious about the blood thing, I'm anxious about all the dr. appointments. I'm anxious with my blood pressure being High. which is kinda a catch 22 cause its stresses me out but techincally to bring it down I need to be calm and Im not calm because I have high Blood Pressure.
I guess in the end Im generally just uncomfortable now me I'm a picture of Health before being pregnant I never ever had back pain. My feet never had been swollen. I Rarely if ever had a head ache. Never had heartburn. ohh slightly vain I got pregnancy ACNE um I didn't have that when I was a teenager. Like I feel Like every pregnancy symptom under the SUN I have had
I guess in the end Im generally just uncomfortable now me I'm a picture of Health before being pregnant I never ever had back pain. My feet never had been swollen. I Rarely if ever had a head ache. Never had heartburn. ohh slightly vain I got pregnancy ACNE um I didn't have that when I was a teenager. Like I feel Like every pregnancy symptom under the SUN I have had
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Well My party Was mentioned in the NY TIMES !!! I can't wait too see the paper tomorrow
A version of this article appeared in print on April 8, 2012, on page ST1 of the New York edition with the headline: A Boy or Girl? Cut the Cake.
Indeed, Brooke Flatt, 24, sent out invitations on Facebook to the gender-reveal party she gave in February at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey, where she lives with her husband, Airman First Class Bryan Flatt, 26.
“It was an excuse to throw a party,” said Ms. Flatt, who streamed the event live on Ustream for relatives in Mississippi. “We had cocktail food and I gave out cards for people to guess the weight, hair color and eye color for me to put in a scrapbook.”
The cake, which turned out to have pink icing between the layers, was decorated on the outside with bumblebees and the message: “What will it bee?”
A version of this article appeared in print on April 8, 2012, on page ST1 of the New York edition with the headline: A Boy or Girl? Cut the Cake.
Its soo Cool To be written about :) Seriously Maybe I'm like too excited about it but I mean OKAY So rarely Do cool things Happen to me. This Is SOO Going in the baby Scrap book. Julia will always know her mom is super cool and super trendy . :)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Pregnancy Yogurt Facial
Okay Soo I realize this is going to sound a little Odd but sure I'll throw this one out there. I have had some severe pregnancy Acne. Pregnancy GLOW My Rear unless they were talking about red glow. Soooo any whom . Talk to my Doctor who was seriously Unhelpful. She told my I could use Salicic Acid the standard Zit be gone creams on the market. My thought was kinda Hey thank you I obviously been washing my face with Mud but now that you tell me to use clearisil i'm sure that will help!! Heads up I have been changing my facial Regime lately trying to find something Magical. Cause it wasn't just blemishes it was some like purple scarring like my skin looking super irritated and I know I need something SOOTHING !! well in my website search I Looked for Pregnancy Acne cream cause I have pregnancy pimples this is NOT standard for me and I never had zits in high school. Belli pregnancy Acne wash is about OHHHH 25 dollars for a tube !! I would have to order it online cause the standard CVS , WalGreens, Rite aid in my area do not carry this supposedly Magical Cure. however what did they say was the Magical CURE!! Lactic Acid was the main ingredient. Well that sounds familiar Lactic Acid, lactic Acid, does anything else have lactic acid in it. Google ..... sour milk or yogurt has lactic acid in it!!! Okay I'm totally down to spend a dollar on some all natural yogurt and see what happens!! Well I took a cold spoonful of that stuff and Rubbed it between my fingers. Then I massaged into my face I was a little scared but I think you could go generously. but always test a small little bit of skin with any new product my motto. soo I woke up my skin is not perfect but seems a lot less irritated. I will tell you in about a week.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Refinishing Patio Furniture
I Finally Did it Bloggers I redid My Patio Furniture in-time for this Summer!!
As you can Tell this was a Hand me Down patio Set in Green and what was once a Hunter green with burgundy stripe Cushion.. Sun Bleached Ain't it!! I also have a table That BTW doesn't actually go with this set. Right Beggars can't be choosers hey it worked but now time to make it Mine and ADORABLENESS!!
Soo I washed the cushions in my washing machine only one at a time kids and I Washed the furniture with a wire Brush and soap.
I Then Painted the chairs with a LOVELY Black spray Rustolium paint in HIGH GLOSS !! SHINY!!!
The I thought about what to do with the Cushions !!! Buy new ones No Im not made of money!!!
Well Then I thought recover!!! again that could be expensive and Really time consuming and eventually I will get a New set !! Red Dye I read that was a bad Idea soo what did that LEAVE ME PAINT!! But I didn't want to get Fabric Paint soo I Bought acrylic paint and Textile MEDIUM!!!
now you mix 1/3 with 2/3 acrylic. As seen Pictured
Then you have to Bake it on now The bottle says IRON But I wasn't really like that method .. Handy Google said you could use the Dryer or the OVEN I might end up giving them a final Seal in the Dryer but to get them dry and ready the first time OVEN
Then I added my Lovely Black Polka DOTS at Randomness and painted the trim BLACK!!! BRILLIANT
Of course you dont have to refinish your furniture in Lady BIG creativity is always appreciated be sure to comment with some pictures of your redone patio furniture
Saturday, March 17, 2012
I totally Dont wanna JINX this and I totally Can't Post this ON FB
But someone wants to write a article about Gender Reveal Parties and has Ask me to be part of the Article!!!! OMG How amazing is that !!! I will announce it in my REAL LIFE after its official But I just have to write that. But the person after a quick Google Search is 100% legit and Has written articles for the paper in questions. I will remain skeptical and on my guard but I'm completely and Totally excited!!! about the experience I even find it cool that someone noticed my Little Party and thought I was NOTE WORTHY!!! :) LOL I'm easily Excited :) But now I finally got to post it somewhere and I feel Super better !! I will report back more after the interview ^_^
Friday, March 16, 2012
Happy St. Patrick's Day
LOL I was Having Some FUN!!! I Love using my Belly for Art Work Its getting more fun as it gets Bigger this is me at 23 Weeks !!!
Julias Quilt Instructions !!! There has been confusion
Sooo since I am visual I totally Made a visual thing IM sooo Crazy !!! Like that
AND Now we all understand we are all On the level Hooray
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Crib or Why do I always Pick a project
The 4 Poster Crib !! I picked up on craigslist it has a matching Armior and is rather adorable However Things I couldn't tell when I looked at my gorgeous crib on craigslist.
1. the dam thing is really tall really really tall
2. The paint is a total redo Sorry You can tell in my camera phone pic but yeah
3. They didn't give me all the parts (I'm losing My mind) hoping that they Find this part and continue the transaction
I'm now at a total Loss and I feel totally Cheated and I'm kinda Over craigslist at the moment!!
So after buying the crib $150
Refinishing cost $50
Teeth bar $50
Getting Parts if the people do not reply Somewhere in the neighbor hood of $50 -$100 dollars
I will look back on this fondly Right Right !!! :/ Annoyed you bet !!
Sad thing is I m totally fallin in love for this crib Besides being totally unique which I do Love I love 4 posters beds It just look soo fancy. It also as you can tell super tall and Way Big. Its original I have never seen another one. I really don't know a terribly amount about this crib besides its all hardwood very well made.
If this crib does happen to look familiar Let me Know but countless Googles Have led to nothing. I will post this picture when the nursery is Entirely Finished and Im satisfied and between me and my husband everything about this crib will be structurally sound
One day I will stop torturing myself and just get what everyone else gets till then I'll have too suffer through all my projects and Face palm for Life. yeah refinishing is not cheaper its just a suckers game for people who like punishment. If you have the drive and such then you can truly Have a one of a kind piece and special memories.
As they say on project Runway make it work
1. the dam thing is really tall really really tall
2. The paint is a total redo Sorry You can tell in my camera phone pic but yeah
3. They didn't give me all the parts (I'm losing My mind) hoping that they Find this part and continue the transaction
I'm now at a total Loss and I feel totally Cheated and I'm kinda Over craigslist at the moment!!
So after buying the crib $150
Refinishing cost $50
Teeth bar $50
Getting Parts if the people do not reply Somewhere in the neighbor hood of $50 -$100 dollars
I will look back on this fondly Right Right !!! :/ Annoyed you bet !!
Sad thing is I m totally fallin in love for this crib Besides being totally unique which I do Love I love 4 posters beds It just look soo fancy. It also as you can tell super tall and Way Big. Its original I have never seen another one. I really don't know a terribly amount about this crib besides its all hardwood very well made.
If this crib does happen to look familiar Let me Know but countless Googles Have led to nothing. I will post this picture when the nursery is Entirely Finished and Im satisfied and between me and my husband everything about this crib will be structurally sound
One day I will stop torturing myself and just get what everyone else gets till then I'll have too suffer through all my projects and Face palm for Life. yeah refinishing is not cheaper its just a suckers game for people who like punishment. If you have the drive and such then you can truly Have a one of a kind piece and special memories.
As they say on project Runway make it work
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Making Big Ole bassinet bows
Today I found an adorable Simple White Bassinet with These Odd Silk Roses. Not to say the silk roses weren't kinda cute however they had seen better days and were Wilting Not my Style At all HOWEVER Soo would you believe I took it upon Myself to make a BIG GIANT BOW!!!
I think Added a sweet little princess Canopy with White Tulle and I made a soft pink Jersey knit Bassinet Sheet and VIOLA!!! A precious Bassinet from things I had laying around the house the most expensive thing is the adorable Pink Giraffe I just Had to have !!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Appliqueing For Dummies and the world's Smallest Quilting
I hate that Every time I go Looking for Blogs about appliqueing or Quilting they assume I know what they are talking about like my grandmother sat me down and that we had this amazing heart to heart one sunday after noon about the joys of quilting and there must have been this book that everyone who quilts got and I obviously Didn't have the book because there are quilters and there are Non Quilters and soo I'm going to tell you about what I learn As I go along and it will be Quilting for the semi-slow to Moderately Brain Damaged.
The First Thing I did and I didn't take Pictures of Me appliqueing was Me making a Burp Cloth For Julia
I printed off the letters and I appliqued them with Heat and BOND nothing else simple Heat and Bond I didn't even go back with a Embroidery Floss My friend asked me how I did this soo I decided to make a Itty bitty tutorial.
You needs some
Fabric this is just scraps
Heat N Bond
Because I can't hold a Camera and cut out a Shape What you missed I cut the shape into a heart Sure simple I did not use a template So no judging my work. I still think its Nice I tried
Because Im kind and Have a since of Humor Instead of showing you that I'm perfect I'll show you Im totally Flawed and My machine is NEW!!! and I really haven't played with it >.< But now instead of thinking I can't do that you can now Think I know I can do better then that girl. I hope your now filled with Encouragement
The World's Tiniest Quilts Guess What it gets better and would you believe The last one was the yellow with the Purple heart and look at that stitch work BRILLIANT!! I also Mini quilted this Soo Now I have a quilted Hankie!! or something Cute Huh :P
Any words of Encouragement are appreciated !! in the comment section Below
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The First Thing I did and I didn't take Pictures of Me appliqueing was Me making a Burp Cloth For Julia
I printed off the letters and I appliqued them with Heat and BOND nothing else simple Heat and Bond I didn't even go back with a Embroidery Floss My friend asked me how I did this soo I decided to make a Itty bitty tutorial.
You needs some
Fabric this is just scraps
Heat N Bond
Iron With the Pretty Side Up and I prefer to Cut the shape out after wards cause if you cute the shape First then Would you believe that paper will stick to your Iron where there is no fabric between the iron and the heat source Just figured I would share this with the class
Because Im kind and Have a since of Humor Instead of showing you that I'm perfect I'll show you Im totally Flawed and My machine is NEW!!! and I really haven't played with it >.< But now instead of thinking I can't do that you can now Think I know I can do better then that girl. I hope your now filled with Encouragement
The World's Tiniest Quilts Guess What it gets better and would you believe The last one was the yellow with the Purple heart and look at that stitch work BRILLIANT!! I also Mini quilted this Soo Now I have a quilted Hankie!! or something Cute Huh :P
Any words of Encouragement are appreciated !! in the comment section Below
Negative Comments will be Deleted
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