Saturday, April 28, 2012

I Must remain Calm.....

I'm like the opposite of calm  in fact I would deem I'm what we could call a Type A control freak to a Certain Extent. Lately People are getting on my nerves. Being pregnant is Also Getting on my nerves Now keep in mind I love my child... I MEAN LOVE HER...However, I'm starting to realize 40 weeks is a LONG LONG LONG TIME. I mention my restlessness with being pregnant and some people were like you are being selfish and you dont want to be FAT. OMG really at this point the Fat issue isn't even remotely what is bothering me I could care less. Things about pregnancy that are bothering me and I will rant this is my blog. if you are a control freak being pregnant is kinda like the opposite of being in control in fact welcome to the Wild ride that is being pregnant. Nothing you will ever read, no matter what anyone will ever tell you , Nothing will prepare you for being pregnant because everyone Every Ones Pregnancy experience is Different.I'm 29 weeks today I still have 11 more weeks to go and its just tiring. I'm tired, I'm cranky, I'm not in the mood anymore. My husband is stressing me out I mean thank god he is here but I'm just Cranky . I just can't get calm I'm always anxious I'm anxious about everything. I'm anxious about her nursery, I'm anxious about the blood thing, I'm anxious about all the dr. appointments. I'm anxious with my blood pressure being High. which is kinda a catch 22 cause its stresses me out but techincally to bring it down I need to be calm and Im not calm because I have high Blood Pressure.

I guess in the end Im generally just uncomfortable now me I'm a picture of Health before being pregnant I never ever had back pain. My feet never had been swollen. I Rarely if ever had a head ache. Never had heartburn. ohh slightly vain I got pregnancy ACNE um I didn't have that when I was a teenager. Like I feel Like every pregnancy symptom under the SUN I have had

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