Merry Christmas Everyone,
This is possibly one of the better Christmas I have ever had in fact I hate to say it I'm nearly Christmas out and I'm already Contemplating putting the tree away... I did have the tree up a smidgen before Thanksgiving this year Which ended up being very Practical as all the colored pre-lit lights no longer Lit >.<... What a horrible surprise. However my Husband and I decided to go in a different Direction this year Entirely. We went Blue, White, and Silver a Wintery Christmas...
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Putting up the Christmas Tree... Early
Only 1 week until the Big Turkey Day !! I have found some amazing Give Thanks Digi scrapbooking kits.This is the best blog for freebies I have bought all my Holiday Meal Goodies. I have cleaned my kitchen and I'm working on the house Seriously ... So Why Could I not wait a week.
Well first things first I have a 16 month old and we are having a good day. I'm going to take total advantage of good days. I hadn't take the tree out of storage last year cause we went to family's last year and we had a large move soo I'm not sure exactly Where Everything is !! Turns out it was a Great Idea because we had True technical difficulties with a full light Failure!! which I had to cry , whine , piss , and moan about. Until We discussed a plan for fixing it and I had too pull out every last Bulb BTW happy I didn't save that to ruin my thanksgiving day. My daughter is very interested in the tree so much so I'm happy she gets a week to get used to is soo hopefully by the time I add a few sparklies it wont seem as much a temptation. BTW she stole the tree skirt and it makes the CUTEST cape !!! seriously !! what a HAM!! I will share a picture
Also While going thru the nativity we just got last year baby Jesus was missing Don't worry we found baby Jesus in another BOX why baby Jesus was not with everyone else I have NO IDEA!! ... All 3 wise men are now Accounted for !! LMAO I have destroyed my house taking all this down and I was already going to do a big holiday Clean up for Thanksgiving Now I can get it all done and now be back at ground 0 I even mopped under the Throw rug!! that's serious..
My last and Final amazing reason for putting my tree up about a week before thanksgiving HOLIDAY CARDS!! yes I know you totally send pictures of you at the pumpkin patch and for you that's super and all but I want my Christmas Card with a big old Christmas tree Holiday sweaters the works!!! So for everyone who swears up and down the day of thanksgiving is there day thats fine but after I spend the whole day Slaving in the kitchen Preparing a giant bird , corn , peas , gravy, stuffing, I don;t wanna climb in the attic , destroy my clean house, and do anything really besides Edit my pictures.
I'm thankful I live in a country where I can put my tree up a week early if I find it necessary... BTW if you want to put your tree up a week early I totally support you if you don't that's find Does putting a tree up a week early make it any less Thanksgiving NO !!! is there still a pumpkin in the house Sure ... Why not do what works for you and don't be judgmental of people who don't do things the way you do
If your placing your tree early for other reasons please Comment Below
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013
Everything is going Digital (scrap booking)
I have been recently Diving head First into Digital Scrap booking using Photoshop CS6. Nothing like using several hundreds of dollars worth of graphic design software for my own personal use. However if you are trying to learn graphic design this is getting me more accustomed to using my hot keys. NEVER forget your Shift key when re-sizing photos to stop distortion. Photoshop is one of those things the day you get it your like Um... there is a learning curve but I would say it helps when you learn a new Trick to do it a few times. So I finally learned Layers and Clippie Mask !!
Okay see that kinda gets you all like Layers ? Clippie mask? Basically you can create little cutouts within the scrapbook paper. BRILLIANT!! so you can Frame little things in very orderly fashion
Okay see that kinda gets you all like Layers ? Clippie mask? Basically you can create little cutouts within the scrapbook paper. BRILLIANT!! so you can Frame little things in very orderly fashion
This was my First page!! HOW cute I actually got a kit for this one
This was a great Starter Kit for Fall Full of Great Background Pages and embellishments for fall.
These are all the same Size after I created the first Layer I would hold alt and Drag it around . Then I would put the Photo Under the layer using Alt and then drag the photo under the layer
this is a wonderful Tutorial that really does Explain it Very well
This was my second one again I dragged the Clippie mask around and then I created Frames which are not perfectly even but you know I think it adds a certain about of playfulness that I like on the page. This came from another kit ... That I shamelessly CANNOT locate >.< SORRY
Okay what about snow White and Playful page are the same I'll give you a minute ... OKay times up!!
the scrapbook paper is the VERY SAME!! Wait What But the first one is pink and this is Clearly BLUE
Well if you go and you take the Color balance and move it around .. You can make any Background Any Color Truly you are only limited by your imagination Oh I also added texture to the borders I really Enjoy Borders around my pictures and the snow white was just some Clip art I found on google.
This is where clippie mask come in handy Technically the pictures of her eating the apple are 4 x6 but I made them fit adorably in a little 2x3 square with no distortion this paper also Came from the kit that I shamelessly Can't name sorry guys and the apples Clip art from google BTW should I add Borders I kinda liked it with out it but I didn't add them undecided but I can add them anytime
This was a Giant Circular Clippie Layer nightmare I flatten twice just because it became A huge MONSTER cause every Frame, Every Clippie, Ever pictures had its Own layer it was something like 40 + layers and then I would have to change from circular to rectangular. Worth it YES !!! do it again UM NOO!!!
Need to add embellishments but no clue what I would add
There are some benefits you can size images before they are printed and make them however you want
Its great I don't have a huge mess I have to walk away from ... That my adorable 1 year old can get it
Unlimited options however sometimes that drives you a bit crazy cause seriously your limited by your imagination and your skill level in photo shop.
Will I give up on Scrap booking completely no there is something amazing and tactile I enjoy about the experience However, With limited time, space, and energy this is a perfect project you can do during nap times speaking of which Nap time is officially over :( oh well talk to you later hope you decide to try Digital scrap booking too.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Fairest of them All
Okay lets talk about how adorable this is !!! My daughter as snow white precious!!
Now I feel like I have to say it I was planning on creating her costume. My intention was to sew something for her. So what happened well while Perusing the old Good Will in search of some fun Halloween Goodies. Would you believe I located this Adorable Costume from the Disney store the Quality is amazing and the sparkly swirls in the netting the velveteen bodice. This was no party city bargain Basement Costume and the Price $2.50 yes it was $4.99 and the sticker was 50% off now the purist in me says stick to the plan and make the kids costume .. The mizer in me says OMG This costume is adorable , you have 1 less thing to do , and yeah you can't buy a zipper for 2.50 let alone the materials to create a full costume from scratch. So I think I may work on the accessories the red cape , the Red head band bow and maybe A fun Apple treat bag ^_^
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
New shelf arrangement
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Check out are new shelf Updates since the last time we have seen the shelf well we have 2 animal poster printable and the top shelf Pumpkins for a little Fall Flavor Lets talk about what has stayed and what has left and whats been Added. I had this little rattle toy cube.. (sat on the shelf unplayed with :( Gone) we had a Spring bear and she had a water can and flowers we moved the bear to her crib and the Watering can and flowers will come back some time in spring, and there was a toy ball gone and this toy triangle both Gone because they just were not being played with. Things that stayed Stuffed food She loves play food. The puppy and fabric cubes , alphabooks its a box of 26 small books with all the letters on it. Puzzle stayed and her stacking rings, and musical toys. New addition a caterpillar with the tiny alphabet feet, Fisher price stack and roll ball and her dress up doll with velcro and buttons oh and can you see her Very FIRST PURSE!! she picked it out all on her own it has Chunky Pink Bead Handle, A shiny Outside and A big Pink Bow! She has Great Taste !! Oh and the Panda clock is a Giant Activity Cube
Monday, September 16, 2013
Walgreens Vs Snapfish
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So I have printed in 2 places I have always done snap fish Penny Prints but I was deseperate to have some prints before her Birthday for a banner project I made. Anywhom I figured Why not go to Wal-greens down the road. I had always heard where you print makes a BIG difference. However I really needed the prints and they are really just personal these are not even for the wall. Well I guess while I was picking pictures to print I ended up with a few doubles if you look in the top oorner you will see Wal-greens on the left and snap fish on the right. even the paper quality is differnt Snap fish uses Kodak paper which feels thicker where Walgreens uses Fuji Film paper which feels thinner and more flimsy. As you can see in the Walgreens photo it appears Darker like the contrast Shot way way up ad in certain areas like my daughters jeans you really just see a Shadow Or outline on her legs where as on the snapfish photo you can honestly see the outlines of her pocket and check out her Tongue you can't even see it in the wal greens photo. and the lamp color is way more natural and true in the snapfish Copy where I dunno why in the walfreens print the lamb looks a little green gray :/
While I may not up who I get my prints from to like Miller I will being shying away from Walgreens and continuing my Love for Snapfish.!!!
BTW check out the other pages Im so in love I need to go buy some thanksgiving stickers for one of the pages and I chose the phrase Give Thaks instead of thankgsiving I felt it looked better being broken up and I was shot a extre I. I think it totally WORKS
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Candy Corn Cuteness
Getting ready to Embrace Fall ^_^ . Like the new backdrop Cute right Made it !! So we are embracing Candy Corn Love besides being a Yummy candy we are going to make a Candy Corn Statement. Have you seen all the adorable Pinterest Candy Corn Cuteness. I'm planning to get in a Bunch of Candy Corn DIY and some Fall photography fun.
Let see Review some things I want to get done this Lovely time of year !!
#1 Most important my Little Girl is going to be a Candy Corn PRINCESS !!!
#2 mommy and daddy coordinating Candy Corn outfits basically embracing Orange, yellow , and white
#3 Family Fall Photo Shoot
#4 Candy Corn Home Decor
#5 Candy Corn Shoes I have been thinking of doing some DIY shoes
#6 Take a Picture of Julia in a Pumpkin Like Last year BTW if you missed it it was Soo Precious
Let see Review some things I want to get done this Lovely time of year !!
#1 Most important my Little Girl is going to be a Candy Corn PRINCESS !!!
#2 mommy and daddy coordinating Candy Corn outfits basically embracing Orange, yellow , and white
#3 Family Fall Photo Shoot
#4 Candy Corn Home Decor
#5 Candy Corn Shoes I have been thinking of doing some DIY shoes
#6 Take a Picture of Julia in a Pumpkin Like Last year BTW if you missed it it was Soo Precious
can she fit will soon Find out
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
I bought these posters from the Dollar Tree For a dollar and they came in a pack of 2 WHAT that is like 50 cents Per poster BARGAIN if your not sure the animals came together in a pack and the numbers and the alphabet came together while I doubt my child will be singing her ABC soon I figure it can't help for her to see them.
This is a adorable Bulletin Board set Bought to you by Creative teaching press BTW totally checked out there website and was taken back by soo much Cuteness.This is called the Dots on turquoise Collection and there are tons of Other things to go with it and if your wondering I bought this at Jo anns with my 40% off coupon so it was about $7 cheaper then on the website ^_^ also there are lots of pieces you dont see the other months, seasons , and temperatures I now need to laminate all the pieces
Sunday, September 1, 2013
scrapbook of the Time my daughter was born
Here is a Graphic That I made for my Silhouette Its super free for personal USE ^_^ !! Nothing like sharing your secrets!! you Just take this Graphic and key it in to your Silhouette and then Trace graphic and VIOLA There you have a scrapbook Clock. Which I 'm sure you could set for any time that was magical. The time of your First kiss, Wedding, Birth of your first Child take your pick !! Nothing like keeping track of the time :) Makes me feel old !!! X_X HAHA seriously though
OMG how cute is this BTW I totally can't take all the credit for this I found it on Pinterest
BTW its totally not letting me Load a INPIRATION / credit Blog pic to the person >.< FAIL!!
I really want to keep track of my sources of things as I think its kinda wrong to pass things off as yours and it would upset me if someone like stole something and gave me 0 credit HOWEVER she used a different graphic that is NO LONGER IN PRODUCTION!!! so I had to make this substitution HOWEVER I totally think it still works ^_^ So for anyone else who really LOVES THiS idea here is and had a silhouette or no life and a pair of cuticle Scissors LOL
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Organizing a Educational space in a small space
Living in a small Space requires Organizations, zero clutter policy, and getting rid of something the second its no longer serves a purpose. Even I have a hard time doing this. I'm a sentimental Hoarder at worst. I often have to repeat these are just things and being the black hole I am I can get more things. I personally think being a budget Shopper helps when I shop second hand and something only cost 99 cents I for some reason have no problem parting with it later on its like well for a dollar it served its purpose, gave me a giggle, and I'm ready to move on. Now things I truly Spent $$$ hard earned money on I have a very hard time getting rid of I have an amazing leather coat I Purchased in high school it's still in my closet.
However having eliminated my clutter to a point I really not sure if I own anything (mom problems) my house is being consumed by a special little person in my life. This gives me some inner turmoil on the one hand I feel as though she takes top priority she is at this moment as a SAHM my life's work. I want her to have the absolute Best!! ON the other hand do you really want to be that mom who had nothing to talk about except her kid ?? her new skills, her new words, he toileting habit!!! I have become that mom ( face - palm) If you have ever spent your day with a Toddler you will realize, its hard not to fall into this SAHM Trap.
Though I really wish I could find away to work to create a Play room/ living room that functions better is it the size, Do I want to much. How do I create something adorable and fun. that stays neat and tidy I don't care that it looks like toys r us exploded just for it to be Clean
However having eliminated my clutter to a point I really not sure if I own anything (mom problems) my house is being consumed by a special little person in my life. This gives me some inner turmoil on the one hand I feel as though she takes top priority she is at this moment as a SAHM my life's work. I want her to have the absolute Best!! ON the other hand do you really want to be that mom who had nothing to talk about except her kid ?? her new skills, her new words, he toileting habit!!! I have become that mom ( face - palm) If you have ever spent your day with a Toddler you will realize, its hard not to fall into this SAHM Trap.
Though I really wish I could find away to work to create a Play room/ living room that functions better is it the size, Do I want to much. How do I create something adorable and fun. that stays neat and tidy I don't care that it looks like toys r us exploded just for it to be Clean
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
I Hate Veggies !!!
I realize as a FULL GROWN Adult woman at the age of 25 I really shouldn't feel this way base on experience growing up I guess even I thought eventually I would grow to like things. THIS HAS NOT HAPPENED >.< !!!
HOWEVER You will hear of me eating Veggies I truly detest them its only my Brain that keeps me going. My brain knows how nutritional beets are , how low calorie celery is , how Wonderful carrots make your eyesight, the calcium in Broccoli , and all the key nutrition you can only get from a varied diet involving veggies other then White starchy potatoes. My husband somehow has managed to get to the RIPE old age of 28 with VERY FEW. Less then me somehow I wish I could give him my Grin in bare it personality. I actually think I have tricked my husband into believe I enjoy my Veggies. HOPEFULLY I can trick my child and she would grow into one of those veggie loving people. Unlike her mother and father who are Both VERY picky eaters.
for now I pinch my nose , I push it to the back of my throat I swallow before the taste hits my tongue Sure I eat my veggies but I can't stand them >.<
I leave you with this note as I drink my beets and berries smoothie YUM
HOWEVER You will hear of me eating Veggies I truly detest them its only my Brain that keeps me going. My brain knows how nutritional beets are , how low calorie celery is , how Wonderful carrots make your eyesight, the calcium in Broccoli , and all the key nutrition you can only get from a varied diet involving veggies other then White starchy potatoes. My husband somehow has managed to get to the RIPE old age of 28 with VERY FEW. Less then me somehow I wish I could give him my Grin in bare it personality. I actually think I have tricked my husband into believe I enjoy my Veggies. HOPEFULLY I can trick my child and she would grow into one of those veggie loving people. Unlike her mother and father who are Both VERY picky eaters.
for now I pinch my nose , I push it to the back of my throat I swallow before the taste hits my tongue Sure I eat my veggies but I can't stand them >.<
I leave you with this note as I drink my beets and berries smoothie YUM
Thursday, August 8, 2013
My Motivations: Placing pictures on the wall for Motivation

OKAY So the Kettle Bell
for a set of 3 kettle bells 5,10,15 lbs I spent $30 so super inexpensive
It also came with a DVD But there are also 1,000 You tube Videos
You don't need a lot of space to store it or to do the work out
Its pretty simple and straight forward
You don't have to be a GENIUS to FIGURE out Kettle bells
I figure you could just swing it around like a crazy person and still BURN CALORIES
Disclaimer : I don't suggest you do that and I'm not responsible for Poor Technique and stupid decisions that causes you to injure yourself or break your TV!!
Which Okay I guess this is a down side I don't face the TV , my child , and I wouldn't face a china cabinet while doing a snatch with the kettle bell
Not saying that I have launched that bad boy off into orbit yet but I mean lets be real a Kettle ball is basically a cannon ball with a Handle you could HURT SOMEONE and Break SOMETHING !!
But Its definitely effective I feel the burn and love the idea you can work your arms and do squats at the same time DOUBLE DUTY
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
I'm like the worlds worst Dieter
SOO today as far as what I ate
I enjoyed 1 eggo waffle !
Then I had a bowl of cherrios
Then I had chicken wrapped in cheese and spinach lightly toseed in olive oil and then baked the rest of the way in the oven with some mashed potatoes
Today I just didn't work out like AT all !!
I really feel like boo and if I dont go running in like 6 hours I'll scream !!! but how am I suppose to run when I have soo much packing and cleaning to do ... OH yea I'm moving !! but I'm really excited lots of prayers it all works out the worlds CUtEST lil house with 3 bedrooms and has a fanced in yard and Just soo CUTE!!! I <3 IT !! HOWEVER I need a miracle to get into the house! But Its a great deal and I WANT IT !! more then anything like EVER!
But I dunno my food diary was just not cute today and I am craving chocolate and I'm bloated >.< so just getting on the scale seems like a monumental task UGH maybe I can do cardio house clean up and burn some calories I need to clean my kitchen I have more dishes then I have cabinet space this is a common problem did i mention new place has a dishwasher
I enjoyed 1 eggo waffle !
Then I had a bowl of cherrios
Then I had chicken wrapped in cheese and spinach lightly toseed in olive oil and then baked the rest of the way in the oven with some mashed potatoes
Today I just didn't work out like AT all !!
I really feel like boo and if I dont go running in like 6 hours I'll scream !!! but how am I suppose to run when I have soo much packing and cleaning to do ... OH yea I'm moving !! but I'm really excited lots of prayers it all works out the worlds CUtEST lil house with 3 bedrooms and has a fanced in yard and Just soo CUTE!!! I <3 IT !! HOWEVER I need a miracle to get into the house! But Its a great deal and I WANT IT !! more then anything like EVER!
But I dunno my food diary was just not cute today and I am craving chocolate and I'm bloated >.< so just getting on the scale seems like a monumental task UGH maybe I can do cardio house clean up and burn some calories I need to clean my kitchen I have more dishes then I have cabinet space this is a common problem did i mention new place has a dishwasher
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
86 days to go
Why does counting down keep me sane I dunno. Maybe I'm treating this more like a actual punishment and less of a lifestyle change Welp as long as I am Healthy... OMG I have to run in like 4 hours and BTW I"m not taking the HILL route I mean that's all well and good when I don't feel like I can walk but lets be serious.. I hate that hill... Will resume The hill on day 85!!! I do think and I made a Video about the fact you should treat working out like taking a shower. Of course you can skip taking a shower for like a day but its better if you do it Daily and you certainly would not go a week with out Showering ....(I would HOPE)!!!
Sooo is there weight loss OH yeah 3 lbs and I"m almost positive came ENTIRELY from my boobs >.< Thanks Mother nature. Though I will admit Tinier tits will be easier to run with I just hope they just don't get all saggy and YUCK!!! you know I doubt I would ever be a A cup though. I would Gladly Embrace a C however wouldn't it be awesome if we lost weight from our boobs like LAST!!! that would be great BIG tits make your waist look small My comparison where as TINY boobs next to big waist Not so much.
Of course a few days after starting dieting I have been handed some Super Depressing news.... I mean we are talking FULL Ben and Jerry RIGHTS!!! I think this is common God Obviously has a Crazy since of humor and just seems to hate me. I'm also feeling crazy abandoned by all My friends, no one ever takes my calls and No one ever calls me. Would be nice if someone would actually initiate and be engaged with me. I've never felt soo Alone in all my life. I feel like I reach out but I am snubbed. I had a huge response to posting pictures on my BLog and I'm almost positive it was to gauck at my Body no one even posted a single positive comment and being that this blog entry will lack the pizazz of pictures I"m positive it will go unnoticed sent silently into the obis. Not that it would matter I can't really discuss the problem which makes it not worth talking about. Talk about Suffering Silently.
Oh well Pity Party over I need to go to sleep. Have to jog super early in the morning
Sooo is there weight loss OH yeah 3 lbs and I"m almost positive came ENTIRELY from my boobs >.< Thanks Mother nature. Though I will admit Tinier tits will be easier to run with I just hope they just don't get all saggy and YUCK!!! you know I doubt I would ever be a A cup though. I would Gladly Embrace a C however wouldn't it be awesome if we lost weight from our boobs like LAST!!! that would be great BIG tits make your waist look small My comparison where as TINY boobs next to big waist Not so much.
Of course a few days after starting dieting I have been handed some Super Depressing news.... I mean we are talking FULL Ben and Jerry RIGHTS!!! I think this is common God Obviously has a Crazy since of humor and just seems to hate me. I'm also feeling crazy abandoned by all My friends, no one ever takes my calls and No one ever calls me. Would be nice if someone would actually initiate and be engaged with me. I've never felt soo Alone in all my life. I feel like I reach out but I am snubbed. I had a huge response to posting pictures on my BLog and I'm almost positive it was to gauck at my Body no one even posted a single positive comment and being that this blog entry will lack the pizazz of pictures I"m positive it will go unnoticed sent silently into the obis. Not that it would matter I can't really discuss the problem which makes it not worth talking about. Talk about Suffering Silently.
Oh well Pity Party over I need to go to sleep. Have to jog super early in the morning
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Pictures of me today!!! 8/3/13
These are my.before pictures I always hear people are sad they didn't take any. This is me stretch marks and all the body that made my girl ...moms get it, I still love my body it created, delivered and still feeds one amazing little person. So don't say anything negative !!! Happy thoughts I just want to model a healthy lifestyle for my daughter.
88 Days till I'm not fat !!!
So I have given myself a extreme weight loss Goal and in 90 days now 88 days and that will be Halloween Kinda odd that happened but just the same I want to loose 40 lbs !! I have now stocked my fridge and pantry with Super healthy FOOD and I purchased Kettle bells Hoping to TONE up my arms. I don't know why but its like I already feel defeated not like I'm assuming I'm all a sudden going to loose weight in like 2 days but there are aspects of dieting I really don't enjoy and I dont think they are super obvious. #1 I hate that my husband will not eat any of my healthy COOKING like at all and I feeel like his family expects me to short order something for him... I hate to say it his partially to blame for me being fat he really truly only eats , pizza, fried foods, and he's not afraid of butter, salt, or anything. The super crazy thing is he is soo thin but the thing is he doesn't eat alot I mean a calories a calorie and if you eat a 1,000 calories in pizza its still just 1,000 calories MY problem is on top of that I'm stuck at home with my child who also requires her little daily snacks. Tonight I made a decent Brown rice , Broccoli, chicken , cheese casserole THING its not super healthy and my husband is all oh it looks like DOG FOOD >.< Thanks for your support and here I am trying to get our daughter to eat healthy and I mean the things that we agreed on not saying something is YUCKY, that is SMELLS Funny. its like they all just went out the Window.
I know this seems like a weird thing to say but I feel strange working out... Even in my home all alone I feel weird. Maybe its the way my boobs flop, my butt jiggles, my thighs claps. It's hard to feel like Jane Austin When you have boob sweat. I think the fact that I have given myself a countdown is Kind of Helping. Because its like counting down and not like thinking about it as will it ever end it feels like there is a end date. Plus have you ever tried exercising with a 1 year old in the room its practically impossible you can just forget any large Dangerous equipment and Aerobic dance I have almost stomped on her before. NOT ON PURPOSE and I didn't ...ALMOST doesn't count but I'm just saying DANGER !! Its practically to hot and mosquito ridden outside...I have now purchased Kettlebells I'm hoping this will be something safe and effective. Only time will tell and hoping to tone up my ARMS!!
#3 COOKING healthy food is time consuming, MESSY, and as I stated earlier goes unappreciated by anyone besides me. Total rant but I'm getting super sick of my husbands Attitude lately
I know this seems like a weird thing to say but I feel strange working out... Even in my home all alone I feel weird. Maybe its the way my boobs flop, my butt jiggles, my thighs claps. It's hard to feel like Jane Austin When you have boob sweat. I think the fact that I have given myself a countdown is Kind of Helping. Because its like counting down and not like thinking about it as will it ever end it feels like there is a end date. Plus have you ever tried exercising with a 1 year old in the room its practically impossible you can just forget any large Dangerous equipment and Aerobic dance I have almost stomped on her before. NOT ON PURPOSE and I didn't ...ALMOST doesn't count but I'm just saying DANGER !! Its practically to hot and mosquito ridden outside...I have now purchased Kettlebells I'm hoping this will be something safe and effective. Only time will tell and hoping to tone up my ARMS!!
#3 COOKING healthy food is time consuming, MESSY, and as I stated earlier goes unappreciated by anyone besides me. Total rant but I'm getting super sick of my husbands Attitude lately
Friday, July 19, 2013
The Great Divide and Julia's first trip
Well This weekend is going to be a real First My daughter will be going with her grandmothers this weekend. I'm going to be redecorating the house. Since my daughter is going to get thru 2 days of not having me and bed sharing will not be possible I'm thinking of how to get her into her crib when they come back. Now we have a 1 bedroom apartment and a rather large master suite however I'm at a loss of how to get her into her bed. I feel like the only way she will EVER sleep in her bed would be if I could make it too where she can't see me. what do you do to divide a bedroom in half ? how do I hide her bed? What do I do ? Pictures to follow
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
DIY chalk Board
This is the before it was a picture of a deer from good will It was perfect in the fact it was posted on to wood... No glass or cardboard matting to deal with...
I pretty much didn't even waist Primer I went from this to straight Matte Black Chalk Board Paint.
I did however PRIME The Frame in the frame you can see the spray paint I used for the color it was Called Watermelon :) Such a happy fun color huh ;)
3 thin coats later and a little dry I just attached the deer back to the frame :)
As you can see the Chalk board is All finished :)
Project Cost :
I picked up the frame for $5 dollars
I picked up 2 cans of spray paint they were about $3.50
1 can of chalk board
1 can of watermelon
I had a sanding block and primer lying around ... if your crafty I'm sure you have a few lying around however if you dont then probably spend $4
I Figure I spend no more then $15 if you include Tax
I think it came out super cute!!!
I pretty much didn't even waist Primer I went from this to straight Matte Black Chalk Board Paint.
I did however PRIME The Frame in the frame you can see the spray paint I used for the color it was Called Watermelon :) Such a happy fun color huh ;)
3 thin coats later and a little dry I just attached the deer back to the frame :)
As you can see the Chalk board is All finished :)
Project Cost :
I picked up the frame for $5 dollars
I picked up 2 cans of spray paint they were about $3.50
1 can of chalk board
1 can of watermelon
I had a sanding block and primer lying around ... if your crafty I'm sure you have a few lying around however if you dont then probably spend $4
I Figure I spend no more then $15 if you include Tax
I think it came out super cute!!!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Baby Schedule ?
So I have always been a loosey goosey person.... We are going to wake up when we need to and if we dont need to when we feel like it... :) which breastfeeding on demand ,attachement parent kinda way it works... Or for me it works.. HOWEVER!!! because we are in a position where I need to work. I'm starting to think my daughter would benefit from a schedule.
Especially with her father watching her now.. Cause I feel as though without watching the clock I can pretty much regulate or activities and change plans Accordingly. The real catalyst for me writing a schedule is because tonight while I was at work My husband forgot to feed our daughter. He did take her to the park and they had fun, but I came home to a very hungry baby. When I asked what did you have for dinner. My husband gave me a puzzled look like DINNER??? REALLY !!! I cannot fathom forgetting that ...His defense was weak but basically he didn't even dinner BTW if you choose to not eat dinner that's a personal decision but a 11 month old should be offered something!!! I had even purchased Gerber Lil Entrees to keep dinner simple he didn't have to cook her something difficult. HOWEVER he totally forgot .
so now that we are coming up on the 1 year Mark I think a schedule would be a good thing for her a little predictability There are things I do forget Vitamins is a big one I beat myself up for that one, Brushing her 4 teeth, plus would love more story time I always forget like I read in the floor her like hard back books but I need to make the effort to go and get a book off her shelf and read her a Bedtime story. :) Who knows maybe she will eventually get into such a routine that my life will run super smooth and she will got to bed a decent hour dare to dream.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
I have like 2 weeks and way to much to get done!!!
The To-Do LIST!!!
#1 Post card Birthday Announcements - Umm... Yeah I haven't gotten started on this and I need to do this tommorow
#2 Fabric pennant- This is half done and I really need to finish
#3 Water bottle Labels- they are designed :)
#4 Polka-dot garland - OKAY I may have traded this in for a month by month garland which I have finished :)
#5 Cherry on top - This may go to the way side
#6 High Chair decorations- 25% done
# 7 Smash Cake pictures - Working on a special Outfit
# 8 Video montage - You know while Its not done done Its like kinda there ish
Sooo Looking like I'm about half way thru my list on just about everything. I also added things like trying to finish some scrap booking and I finished a 12 month little garland thing which I do love.... I have been working on a really cute 11 month pictures. I"m pretty excited about the back lighting.
What am I doing today .... OH WELL i you must know cleaning the house once clean I will kill whomever dirties it.... You have been warned
#1 Post card Birthday Announcements - Umm... Yeah I haven't gotten started on this and I need to do this tommorow
#2 Fabric pennant- This is half done and I really need to finish
#3 Water bottle Labels- they are designed :)
#4 Polka-dot garland - OKAY I may have traded this in for a month by month garland which I have finished :)
#5 Cherry on top - This may go to the way side
#6 High Chair decorations- 25% done
# 7 Smash Cake pictures - Working on a special Outfit
# 8 Video montage - You know while Its not done done Its like kinda there ish
Sooo Looking like I'm about half way thru my list on just about everything. I also added things like trying to finish some scrap booking and I finished a 12 month little garland thing which I do love.... I have been working on a really cute 11 month pictures. I"m pretty excited about the back lighting.
What am I doing today .... OH WELL i you must know cleaning the house once clean I will kill whomever dirties it.... You have been warned
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Wooden High chair
The High chair I plan on refinishing for the party. Funny story about my day. So I bought a beautiful antique high chair with a beautiful honey oak finish. Where is this highchair your wondering. It would seem as though my loving wonderful grandma in law has it. Quote "its too Pretty to paint!!" . I have to admit she was kinda right it was Very pretty original finish and because I'm not in the art of vandalizing beautiful antiques the first high chair of the day went to Nana house where it can be cherished and be used by all the great grand babies of the present and future. :)
So here I am 1 month away from the party still needing to completly redo a high chair and after calling soo many antique shops note no one had one the only one someone had was a primitive flat back which had no tray !! which was no bargain. I bet you after this party I see SOO MANY wooden high chairs. Craigslist was picked dry of well priced wooden high chairs a few people pricing at $175 which may be find for some people but not this bargainista.
That pretty much left me with Cold calling Nashville area Thriftstores. I then found out a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE THING Due to soo many recalls and parents who just dont watch there children several Places are DESTORYING ANTIQUE HIGH CHAIRS !!!! > . < NOOOOOO!!!!! That should be a crime . I understand the liabilities and such but that is horrible.
I did find a HOLE In the wall thrift store by hold in the wall I mean bad side a town I wouldn't be there after dark kinda place ... But upon calling them they had one . it had the tray and a spindle back and it was blonde all I learned on the phone seeing as Beggers can't be choosers and as time is drawing to a close. I ended up spending more on this newer modern version of a wooden high chair. it was $45 dollars. however being that it is a mass market wooden high chair that has been reproduced untold times and easily reproduced again its perfect for paint. It will be better for the experience.
So here I am 1 month away from the party still needing to completly redo a high chair and after calling soo many antique shops note no one had one the only one someone had was a primitive flat back which had no tray !! which was no bargain. I bet you after this party I see SOO MANY wooden high chairs. Craigslist was picked dry of well priced wooden high chairs a few people pricing at $175 which may be find for some people but not this bargainista.
That pretty much left me with Cold calling Nashville area Thriftstores. I then found out a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE THING Due to soo many recalls and parents who just dont watch there children several Places are DESTORYING ANTIQUE HIGH CHAIRS !!!! > . < NOOOOOO!!!!! That should be a crime . I understand the liabilities and such but that is horrible.
I did find a HOLE In the wall thrift store by hold in the wall I mean bad side a town I wouldn't be there after dark kinda place ... But upon calling them they had one . it had the tray and a spindle back and it was blonde all I learned on the phone seeing as Beggers can't be choosers and as time is drawing to a close. I ended up spending more on this newer modern version of a wooden high chair. it was $45 dollars. however being that it is a mass market wooden high chair that has been reproduced untold times and easily reproduced again its perfect for paint. It will be better for the experience.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Perfect Smash Cake outfit
Well I have decided I really want to do a smash cake Prior to party to I can get the pictures I would like ... Also I'm planning on sending out Cute postcard announcemnts soo My daughter needs a ADORABLE New Out fit!! I decided to make it my self simliar to easter but this time I 'm going for a apron pinafore dress and we are trading the ruffled pants for Ruffled Bloomers. I used some left over Fabric to test out the Pattern I invented.
As you can see honey bear does a terrific job modeling the bloomers :)
However I did pick a far more festive choice of colors
The dress is going to be reversinle purple polka dot and party stripes... I'm going to make Purple polka dot bloomers with 3 different ruffles
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Fabric pennant Bunting coming in on time an on budget :)
As of this very MOMENT I have finished sewing 30 pennant I'm thinking of adding more and I will definitely be going to the store to purchase the Quilt Bias tape. I'm soo impressed with myself to set a goal and finish it in a timely manner. :p
If you know me you know what a true accomplishment that is
If you know me you know what a true accomplishment that is
How cute is that and that is actually the high chair bunting that I made from the scraps!! How Clever you say !!! : )
Oh as for other things I think I have figured out which cake I will be doing
How stinking Precious!! Made a terrific cake and included some Pretty Great instructions Including How she got the Impressively Adorable Calligraphy spoiler Fondent Cutter
This cake says to me do able... with some definate room for error yes I pick my cakes on the likely good of me being able to make up for any Accidents that should occur and the likely hood that I could do it. I mean seriously I'm no Ace of cake but I do have some skill.
so I still need to work on the hanging ice cream cones, the Ice cream cone wrappers, and the polka dot garland
Oh as for things you didn't know I was working on Because Kroger last week had a coupon that made Hershey chocolate bars 9 cents they will be incorporated into the party
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