My little one will soon be 9 months and oh the time has Flown....But those baby pounds I'.ve been trying to loose since the new year are Going Absolutly NO WHERE WOMP WOMP.....I can't figure out what I'm doing Wrong.. I feel like just being a little healthier and doing a little more isn't going to be enough.. .SO we are RAMPING it up 3 months till LO Birthday and 20 lbs. Its 100% do-able. So what am I doing Green Juices and Smoothies.....veggies, and fruits, and lean protein Oh , MY !!! and Zumba ...As much as I can stand.....If this doesn't do it I give up
BTW today I did Baked Fried Chicken and my husband really LIked it !!! :) I'm proud to say that will be making the family Dining Routine one more recipe for the Family recipe book and this one is healthy.
One more cool thing to mention . DRUM ROLL PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!! I got a photography JOB!! It's nothing big in fact its quite Small but I'm getting that expierence knocked out...and growing a resume. Plus I get to walk around and when people ask me what I do ....I'm a photographer What what ....I mean Dam Thats cool....B) haha